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Street Dog Hid Beneath Stranger’s Stairs And Asked God To Take The Hurt Away

For stray dogs, basic necessities are a luxury, writes ilovemydogsomuch

This is even true for medical care. When a stray is wounded, they are left on their own to nurse themselves. When it’s severe, like in this case, and they feel death is inevitable, all they can do is wait for death to come.

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Thankfully for this dog, someone found him and made an important call. The poor dog, that was severely injured, crawled into a stranger’s house and hid below the stairs. He felt that was the safest place to wait for death to come. The homeowner called Animal Aid and they rushed to the house to pick the dog up.

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They were not at all prepared for what they were about to see.

The poor dog had a large wound on his neck that was infected. One of the rescuers crawled under the stairs with cookies and got as close as he could to the dog. He gave him something to eat. The dog was suffering and was hesitant. He wanted the food– he was likely starving– but his pain was too great.

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The rescuer had enough of seeing the dog suffer and picked him up to take him for medical treatment. The dog knew the man was there to help and relaxed in his arms.

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Back at the Animal Aid sanctuary, the dog was evaluated. The medical team treated the wound and gave him IV fluids. The IV contained hydration, antibiotics and pain medication.

The poor pup finally felt much better. His wound was cleaned and wrapped. Now it was time for him to rest.

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The next day, the medical team unwrapped the wound. They sedated the dog then worked on cleaning the wound out further. They then cut away the necrotic tissue. The wound was quite extensive. They couldn’t even imagine how much pain the poor boy was in while he hid beneath the stairs.

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The dog was assured that even with a wound this big and this painful, they were going to try everything they could to help him heal. He was already showing signs of improvement. Especially when it was time to enjoy a good meal. In one of the caregiver’s arms, he ate happily.

After six weeks of hands-on care, the dog that would have surely died beneath the stairs made a full recovery. Check out the warrior now that they named Jupiter! Isn’t he handsome?!

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Animal Aid does it again. Using their words, they turned “Hopeless Into Happy!”

Jupiter will live out the rest of his days at the Animal Aid sanctuary with loads of friends to play with. Due to his complicated medical history, age, and on-going care, he won’t be adopted out. The area is poverty-stricken and he’s better off where he can be well cared for. Thank you for all you do, Animal Aid! And hooray for Jupiter for being such a trooper!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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