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Man Badly Hurt After Being Hit By A Speeding Car While Trying To Save His Dog

A Piedmont man named Kyle Everett is gravely injured after being hit by a car while trying to save his dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch

This incident happened in Bethel Street in Gibsonville. Kyle was walking his dog, Nala, when Nala got spooked by an oncoming truck and ran right in the middle of the road.

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Kyle ran to Nala, but saw another car running down the hill in their direction. Nala was even more terrified and froze in her spot. Kyle repeatedly called out to the driver to stop, but she didn’t even bother to slow down. In a desperate attempt to save Nala’s life, Kyle shielded her just before the car hit them.


The accident left Kyle with several injuries on his back and hip, while also suffering damage to his internal organs. Nala’s leg was split open from impact. Both are now out of danger, and are supporting each other as they heal and recover slowly. Kyle is quite angered by the driver’s thoughtlessness.

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The cops have now launched an investigation into this case of reckless driving. So far, the driver hasn’t been charged. If you have any information that can aid this investigation, you can reach out to the Gibsonville police. Spread the word.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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