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Boy With Dwarfism Gets Bullied Every Day, But A Dwarf Dog Gives Him Hope Again

As a 5-year-old with achondroplasia (a form of dwarfism), Quaden Bayles’ life was tainted with constant shame and emotional stress, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Quaden was suffering from multiple health issues triggered by his condition that rendered him wheelchair-bound to a great extent. However, it was the relentless bullying he faced at school that made him miserable to the core.

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Quaden just wanted to belong, but the bullies at school were always ready to crush his soul with a new set of taunts. One day, the little boy just broke down after another humiliating experience at school. While his mother didn’t blame the kids for what they did, she felt completely powerless at her inability to help her son.


Finally, the distraught mother reached out to the local community with a video of Quaden crying inconsolably after the bullying incident. She begged everyone to educate their kids about the effects of bullying. Many realized the gravity of the issue and tried to cheer Quaden up with their moral support. However, he was still deeply traumatized, and he banned his family from using the word “dwarfism” around him.

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Finally, Quaden’s ray of light came in the form of a 9-year-old Shih Tzu named Buddy. Buddy suffered from achondroplasia just like him, and the duo instantly bonded. Once his family adopted Buddy, Quaden saw that the pooch was happy and standing tall despite the dwarfism. Buddy’s presence ushered a remarkable change in Quaden, and he made peace with his condition and learned to embrace life with a smile!

Over the months, Buddy has become Quaden’s safety shield from the teasing and ridiculing he faces at school. Earlier, he would need counseling for his thoughts about wanting to die. But with Buddy, his attitude has changed dramatically and his confidence is at an all-time high!

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Quaden’s family believes that Buddy is a “divine intervention” who was meant to revive their boy’s broken spirit. Quaden has many surgeries lined up to deal with his nerve damage and physical ailments, but Buddy’s healing friendship has made him a courageous fighter ready to face life head-on!

Click the video below to watch how Buddy changed little Quaden’s life and reignited his spark.

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