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Little Boy Has To Leave For School But His Dog Is Heartbroken & Starts Crying

Gabriela C drops her son, Aidan, to school every morning. Of late, she had been noticing her rescue dog, Dixie, acting strange whenever Aidan had to leave for school, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Gabriela decided to record Dixie’s emotional reaction to her brother leaving for school, and it’s just too heartbreaking to watch!

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We see Aidan getting his things in order in the car before stepping out for school. But while he gets his phone, his sneakers, and his bag, little Dixie sits by his side with a somber look on her face. She knows it’s the time of the day when Aidan leaves for school, and she can feel her heart being consumed by the separation anxiety.


Before we know it, Aidan has left the car. Dixie begins whimpering almost instantly as she stands by the car window and watches Aidan walk away. The poor girl whines and cries helplessly, and even Gabriela fails to comfort the gloomy dog.

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Gabriela says that Dixie always cries whenever Aidan leaves for school, and spending the few hours away from him is really difficult for her. But the sweet dog perks up when Aidan comes back, and she spends the rest of the day smiling and cuddling with her doting brother! Looks like Dixie is really fond of Aidan!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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