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Little Puppy Kissed Brother’s Face And Leg Hoping She’d Heal Him Herself

Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about a wounded puppy, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When they rushed over, they were taken aback. Not only was the puppy’s mother worried about him but so was his sibling. His sister tried to kiss him and make him feel better. He had a wound to his face and his leg. Poor baby!

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The puppy was also very scared. But the rescuers had no choice. He needed immediate medical attention. Despite his protests, they wrapped the puppy in a blanket and put him in their vehicle. It was time to head over to their clinic and get him the help he desperately needed.


The vet and his assistant irrigate the wound on his leg. He was so brave the entire time! Next, it was time to bandage him up. Their first priority, besides making sure the puppy wasn’t in pain, was to prevent infection. He was given pain meds and antibiotics. The staff decided to call the puppy Jimmi.

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Once Jimmi was done with his treatment, it was time for a good meal. He was so happy to eat! Now that his belly was full and he was in good spirits, the staff decided to introduce him to a couple of new friends. Jimmi liked the puppies so much that he snuggled right in!

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Soon it was time for Jimmi to go home, back to his mom and sister. They changed his bandages again and gave him his medication. The volunteers will go back every day until he is all healed up. They will also give the neighbors that are feeding the puppies and their mom all the food they will need.

We are so grateful there are organizations like Animal Aid out there. While strays run rampant in India, this group does all they can to ensure they are fed and medically taken care of. They really are heroes. To see the puppy’s full story, scroll on down. Animal Aid can use all of our support!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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