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From the Streets to a Safe Space: Starving Dog Makes the Sweetest Transformation

In a pile of tiles dumped in a rundown garage, Arnia was found along with four other dogs, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They found her wagging her tail happily at the sight of kind humans despite being weak.

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According to her rescuers, she was in a heartbreaking condition : emaciated and suffering from Giardiasis (an infection in the small intestine). When brought to the clinic, they were told that she was also severely anemic, underweight, and dehydrated.

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Through intense care and attention, Arnia managed to transform from weighing 13lbs (which was half the normal weight for her size) to a happy and healthy pup that’s ready to find a fur-ever home!

She is approximately 2-3 years old, but has the spirit of a little puppy, jumping with joy, playing with pretty much everything and crazily zooming around the yard.

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Her whole story and more information about her adoption can be found on the video below.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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