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Dog With Tumor On Her Tongue Saved From Life On The Streets

There is no friend more loyal than a dog. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of having a canine companion knows just how sweet and loving they can be towards their person, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

They are the ones who don’t care at all how we look, how much money we have, etc. Our dogs are the definition of unconditional love, and it is this type of love that makes their company so special.

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It can also be heartbreaking to see a dog hurting after losing a cherished owner. Dogs don’t always understand why their owners have left.

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One sad pooch, Fonda, was tragically left to fend for herself after her owner passed away. The poor dog, who had always been a loyal companion, was suddenly completely alone in the world.

She was left to call an empty lot home until she was eventually picked up by an animal rescue.

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It was very fortunate too that Fonda was found, as she turned out to have a tumor growing on her tongue. Despite all the heartache and tragedy that the poor dog had witnessed, she remained very upbeat and positive.

The sweet pooch was very friendly with those trying to rescue her, and she allowed them to pet her.

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They were able to get her to safety, and eventually, she underwent surgery to remove the tumor.

No more cold nights on the street for this adorable pup. Things were finally beginning to take a turn for the positive.

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Watch the video below:

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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