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Dog With Festering Wound Gets Nursed Back To Health

It is shocking some of the things that stray animals will endure during their time on the streets. My family and I once adopted a cat that had been straying in our neighborhood for several weeks. He had a giant abscess on his head that had begun festering. I remember he was in pretty bad shape when we got him to the vet, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

We helped him recover, but then what was supposed to be two weeks of fostering him until he got adopted turned into forever. He had a pretty bad scar on his head after his recovery, but regardless of how strange he looked, he was still a beautiful cat to us.

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That is the thing about animals, no matter what traumas they might have gone through physically, they are still beautiful in their own way. For one dog living on the streets, life was a rough one. All his hardships showed up on his body, as he was quite frail and weak, his hair all dirty and matted.

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But most noticeable was the large wound that spread from his left ear and down his neck. It was quite bad and only a matter of time before the injury became a death sentence.

Fortunately for the dog, later named Tucker, help was on the way. Animal Aid Unlimited was called in to help after some neighbors noticed the pooch straying around the area. The rescue organization managed to gain Tucker’s trust and coax him to follow them to safety.

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They were able to get him medical treatment, which required surgery to take care of his large wound. Tucker proved to be a fighter and he pulled through his procedure.

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Eventually after the surgery, Tucker made a full recovery. Despite being an older gentleman, Tucker has plenty of good years to go. And hopefully, it’s pure happiness for him from now on.

Watch the video below:

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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