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Time Is Ticking As Man Jumps Off Boat To Save Drowning Baby Deer

A man was enjoying his time on a boat in Toms River, New Jersey, when he and his wife noticed a baby deer drowning in the water in the distance, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

Time was ticking as the poor little fawn struggled to stay afloat in the lagoon. Without hesitation, the man, named Chad Wallace, quickly emptied his pockets and jumped into the water to save him.

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Wallace knew that there was no way for the fawn to get out of the water on his own, so he remained focused as he swam toward him.


Wallace successfully grabbed the deer and lifted him out of the water so he could catch his breath, as the boat of people cheered him on.

Once he lifted the deer out of the water, he didn’t let him go because he feared he would run off and jump right back into the water on another side. Instead, he pulled up Google Maps on his phone and was able to get an aerial view of the area.

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While looking at the map, he discovered that there was only a small area of woods nearby, so he drove there with the fawn, in the hopes of finding his family.

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When they got to the wooded area, they amazingly heard the mom crying out for her baby! Wallace put the baby deer down and encouraged her to walk toward her mom. Eventually, the mama deer came for her baby and the two were happily reunited!

Watch the rescue and reunion in the video below:

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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