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Puppy With Broken Pelvis Rescued From Irrigation Canal

When I was in elementary school my mom and I found a little stray dog in the park who’d been hit by a car that resulted in pretty bad damage, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

I remember the poor thing had been dragging both legs behind him and his little feet were worn raw. Sadly, the vet said the kindest thing that could be done for him was to put him to sleep.

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Sometimes life can deal you a pretty rough hand. That was the case for a small dog who found himself stuck inside an irrigation canal.

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The young pooch was unable to free himself from his scary situation because he had several broken bones within his pelvic area. Things were looking quite bleak for the dog. Being unable to move and inside water, it was not looking good.

But luckily for the dog, someone came to his rescue just in time. A man had been passing the canal when he realized that there was a dog down in the water who looked to be trapped.

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The man stopped, determined to get the little pooch some help. At first, the man tried to free the little dog himself, but the scared pup lashed out and tried to bite him.

That is when the man knew that he needed to call for some help.

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He got in touch with Ermione with Diasozo Animal Rescue, who sent someone out to help rescue the dog.

The pooch, who is now named Kevin, was freed and taken into care where he underwent surgery. He’s only 9 months old but is expected to make a full recovery.

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Watch the video below:

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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