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Kitten Rescued From Barn Showers His New Family with Love

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

Lover Boy was from a litter of barn kittens at the stable where my daughter rode. Summer camp was going on and the children played with the kittens constantly. He grew up very friendly but was a skinny no-name mess with long fur full of burrs and constant diarrhea staining his fluffy tail.

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Then the owner was injured and the stable closed. The 4-H members rescued all the abandoned barn cats except the most feral, and LB was the first to run out to say hello and be nabbed. I took him to the Humane Society because we had too many cats already but I told them, “Call me if he doesn’t get adopted.” Well, imagine my surprise to get a call just two days later that he was sick and I had to come get him or they would have to put him down!


So back he came and it was the best thing ever. After he figured out to not try to jump through window glass after birds, he was SO happy to be a well-fed, warm, indoor kitty! He loved being with people, always greeted us at the door, slept on my feet, and had to be nearby purring every waking minute. He loved to be brushed and would jump on the bed every morning and turn his back to me and wait for me to brush him.

He also loved to race ahead of me to jump on any chair I was going to sit on so he would have to be petted. He helped me sew and fold the laundry and supervised the opening of all packages. If we went away for a few days he would be very anxious the first few nights we were back and would get up on my pillow and tap the top of my head with his claws asking to be petted every few hours. He was my husband’s best buddy, too.

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We lost him a year ago to kidney failure at about age 14, but he was a one-in-a-million cat who will live forever in my heart!

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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Lover Boy’s story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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