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Boy Rescues Cat From Wall Using Cardboard Box

One boy’s act of kindness has brought joy to thousands after he was filmed helping a stray cat down from a high brick wall, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

While cats are notoriously good climbers, it’s not unheard of for them to get stuck when they become a bit overzealous or confident. That seemed to be the case for this cat.

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The video, shared by South China Morning Post, was filmed in a rural part of China’s populous Shandong province and documents the boy’s first attempt to help the cat, which had him raising an upside-down traffic cone overhead:

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However, he failed to convince the cat that this was a safe place to land, so he made a wise move — he asked mom for help!

Now, armed with a cardboard box and encouragement from his mom, the boy returned to the cat on the wall and held it up. While the kitty was hesitant and uncertain, he knew that this was his best chance to be freed from his scary perch.

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Taking a leap of faith, the cat dropped into the box and was safely caught by the boy!

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Proud of his job well done, the boy carried the cat away from the wall in his box, ready to drop him off at home.

According to the South China Morning Post, the family has already fostered two stray cats, so they knew exactly how to help this cat get back on his feet. They didn’t have any more room to take him in, but fortunately, all he needed in that moment was a helping hand.

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It just goes to show that no cat can resist a good cardboard box!

Watch the full video below, via South China Morning Post:

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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