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After a Year Apart, Kid and Dog Best Friends Meet Again

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As we share more time with them, our pets become family. The dogs we love so much become an irreplaceable part of our lives. It’s no wonder why some people would give up everything for their beloved animals.

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In this video, a mom documents her son meeting one of his best friends after more than a year apart. According to her, the neighbor’s dog, Bogart, had to live in another state while his owner was traveling. What was initially supposed to be a few months stretched longer and longer. As Bogart was driven away, her son just stood and cried watching. He would often ask for the dog to come back.

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After some time, the neighbors came back and wanted to surprise the boy with Bogart’s arrival. They called him over and led him to the back yard, where the dog was. What happened next was the most heart-warming scene.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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