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Woman Mimics Cat Mom To Help Abandoned Kittens Survive

Laila is a cat foster who loves caring and fostering orphan kittens. So when she got a call asking her if she could take two newborn kittens in, she agreed immediately. She got a container and came to bring the kittens home, writes pawsplanet

The kittens were found abandoned on the road, with no mother in sight. They were so weak and sick, so Laila took on the mama cat responsibilities to help them survive and grow. She cared for them as if she was a cat mom and they were her own babies.

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We are so glad these little kittens get all the love and care they need so they can have a happy and healthy life! God bless Laila! You can keep up with Laila and all of her rescues on Instagram and TikTok.

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Source: pawsplanet.me

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