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Rescuers Save Litter Of Puppies Dumped In The Garbage

A litter of tiny puppies was abandoned in a dumpster like garbage, and they would’ve died there if Danna with Rescue.Adopt.Foster hadn’t stepped in to help, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

Danna received a call about five puppies who were trapped in a dumpster. No one is sure who put them there, but Danna knew one thing: She wasn’t going to let them stay there and be discarded like that.

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After traveling to Wafra, the southernmost area in Kuwait, Danna located the dumpster and found not just five but seven tiny puppies! They’d been in the dumpster for two to three days when help arrived and they were understandably quite terrified.

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Danna got all seven puppies cleaned up and secured with a foster home. Once at their new, temporary home, they immediately fell asleep. It was clear the puppies were exhausted from what they’d been through.

The foster parents got the puppies on a strict schedule of eating, potty breaks, sleeping, and playing. The puppies were all doing great, except for the smallest puppy of the litter – Esme.

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Esme seemed to be the weakest of the bunch from the moment they found her. She ate less, had less energy, and her foster parents were afraid she wouldn’t make it.

However, with a little TLC and time, Esme began to grow, gain strength, and thrive! It wasn’t long before she was running around with the other puppies and acting like a normal, healthy puppy.

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Once the puppies were old enough, they were placed for adoption and they each found a forever home. Danna was very involved in the adoption process and frequently checks in with the new owners to see how they’re doing.

Esme found a home with an American servicewoman living in Kuwait. She initially fostered the little puppy and ended up falling in love.

We’re so happy to see all the puppies got the happy ending they deserved!

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Watch the video below:

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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