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Puppies Found Abandoned In Cave Rescued And Adopted

At Hope For Paws, every day is an opportunity to save lives. The LA-based nonprofit rescue group has made it their mission to “[rescue] animals who are suffering, facing death or extreme danger that nobody else [is] able to save.”, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

When they got a tip about a group of abandoned puppies in a nearby cave, it came with poetic timing.

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The group was on their way back from the funeral of Lisa Ashe, who had worked with Hope For Paws and dedicated her life to rescue work. They knew the best way to honor her memory was to save lives and continue the rescue’s important work.

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Arriving at the cave, the team faced an unusual challenge — these puppies didn’t want to be rescued! Lured out by a cheeseburger, they ate but became frightened of the four-person team trying to help. Backing deeper into the cave, the puppies barked and howled in defense, scared for their lives.

Knowing that they couldn’t risk digging for fear of collapsing part of the cave and injuring or losing the pups, the team was stuck. Then, they brainstormed a solution that would make this “the most epic and dangerous Hope For Paws rescue EVER!”

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Writing about the rescue on Facebook, the team revealed that it took them nearly 8 hours to coax the puppies out from the 18-foot-long cave.

Even then, the puppies didn’t go willingly — they needed to use a looped wire, threaded deep into the cave and then around each puppy’s neck to drag them, kicking and screaming, to safety.

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While the pups protested, their bark was worse than their bite, and thankfully, no one ended up injured. Now safe, the puppies were taken back to the Hope For Paws home base, where they were found to be perfectly healthy!

Months earlier, the group had rescued Tank, a Pittie that turned out to be these pups’ father! Now, both Tank and his pups have found their forever homes.

Keep up with Hope For Paws and their important work by following them on Facebook here or at their official site!

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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