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Mom Gives Puppy To Disabled Son, Outcome Moves Her To Tears

Dogs give so much of themselves and ask for so little in return. For those with physical and learning disabilities, dogs transform lives. This is the case of Barney the 12-week-old Springer Spaniel puppy and his new BFF, Hugh, an eight-year-old young man, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Young Hugh is affected with a rare genetic disorder since birth. Called FOXG1 syndrome, he is severely limited in his functions, with both developmental and structural brain abnormalities. Those diagnosed with the condition are limited with speech, movement, and may cry a lot, make poor eye contact, and experience feeding difficulties.

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Hugh’s mom brought the puppy home, and the bond was instantaneous. Puppies have a way of making everything better, and the pint-sized pooch worked his magic on Hugh.


The puppy snuggled, nuzzled, and the little boy reached out to touch and interact with his new furry pal. On their Facebook page, Hugh’s mom says she thought long and hard about getting a dog. Looks like a beautiful friendship in the making and a great decision was made.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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