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Grandma’s Dog Died A Month Ago, She’s Moved To Tears When Family Gets Her A New Best Friend

We don’t just raise a pet, we share invaluable memories with them, writes ilovemydogsomuch

For 84-year-old Shirley Lann from North Carolina, life hit her hard last month when she lost her beloved dog of 14 years, Kinsey, whom she had raised together with her late husband.

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Kinsey had been like a shadow to her for the past few years, so, understandably, Shirley was inconsolable at her loss, while her health deteriorated further. Her family, especially her grandson, Matthew McVey, couldn’t bear to see their grandma in so much pain. They decided to do something about it.


Shirley’s daughters went to a local ASPCA and started looking at dogs. That’s when they found Sammy, a cute Lhasa Apso. They decided to go to take Sammy to grandma’s health facility and surprise her with this sweet gift.

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Grandma was stunned the moment she saw Sammy. The moment was so impactful, she simply took her glasses off and started weeping. She grabbed Sammy in her arms like a baby and hugged him with all her love!

Sammy has brightened Shirley’s life once again and she now has something to look forward to when she gets out of rehab. As a shelter dog, Sammy too was glad to have a caring grandma! They will surely heal each other with their love!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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