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Dying dog with the saddest eyes saved, now she desperately begs for a home

Anna was a sick, emaciated dog from Romania, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She had lost all hope due to extreme starvation, anemia, mange and flea infestation. When rescuers from “Howl Of A Dog” found her, she was in dire need of emergency care.

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Anna’s medical reports suggested that starvation was the trigger to all her health issues. She was dehydrated, had lost significant muscle mass and body fat, and her blood profile wasn’t very promising either. To make things worse, digestive tract parasites made her unable to absorb nutrients from food.


The doctors treated her with antibiotics while intravenous glucose and amino acids helped her slowly regain strength. But she was still dealing with the pain from the scratchy mange all over. Her sad eyes haunted the rescuers, and they promised to help her in every possible way.

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With plenty of love and care, Anna’s recovery was right on track. Her frail body became stronger every day and she was able to run and smile again! Sweet Anna is special to every person who helped her recover, and they hope that she finds a fitting forever home that keeps her happy and safe.

Update: After winning hearts with her amazing recovery, Anna was adopted by a doting family in New York. She is now living her best life as she hangs out with her canine brother, naps by the fireplace, and frolics around in her pool. We are thankful to everybody who helped Anna back towards a happy life!

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Click the video below to watch Anna’s tear-jerking road towards recovery and transformation!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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