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Deaf Girl Communicates With Her 4-Legged Companion In The Most Unusual Way

Neeva Goff is a 4-year-old girl from New Mexico who has been deaf since birth, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Her parents figured out early on that their child was deaf, and they soon began looking into various avenues to improve her quality of life. But one of the best decisions they have made for her is getting her the perfect furry mate, Baxter!

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Adopted from the local humane society in Albuquerque, Baxter walked into Neeva’s life like an angel. The duo was seamlessly able to establish a mode of “secret communication” and it’s something that really caught the parents off guard. While Neeva communicated via sign language with humans, she was able to find her own unique tune with Baxter!


Neeva, who is a student at the New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe, has developed some special signs that help Baxter follow her around. The faithful dog focuses all his attention on his little human, and has effortlessly learned to sit, stand, snuggle, and even perform tricks on her command. In fact, Neeva has devised her own sign gesture that she uses in place of Baxter’s name!

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Mom Chelsea Goff thinks Baxter’s calm demeanor, eagerness to learn sign language, and his unwavering love for Neeva makes him indispensible in Neeva’s life. The way this wonderful pair interacts with each other is nothing short of a miracle! Dogs are indeed the best thing that happened to mankind!

Click the video below to watch how a deaf Neeva’s challenging life transformed with Baxter’s irreplaceable presence.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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