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Owner Seals Dog’s Eyes And Mouth Shut With Superglue, Dumps Her On A Busy Road

Glory is a Terrier mix dog who was found dumped in the most despicable condition on the roadside in the Oaklawn area, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The person who found her thought she was dead, but soon realized that her eyes and mouth had been sealed shut with superglue.

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Glory was rushed to the hospital where further bruises were found on her stomach from being hit by someone. She was taken to the ER where the doctors spent hours to remove the glue and tend to the resulting damages caused by it.


After weeks of recovery, Glory was finally able to show some personality. She was shifted to a loving foster home, where she recovered under the healing care of her foster dad. Eventually, the Waggy family came forward to adopt her. They look forward to giving her a comfortable life forever!

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Investigations to find the culprit are currently underway. As mentioned towards the end of the video below, a reward of $5000 has been set for helping catch her abuser. Sedgwick County Animal Control has asked the public to inform them of any leads or tips that could lead to the arrest of the criminal who did this to poor Glory. Any information can be dropped at 316-660-7070 or emailed at animalcontrol@sedgwick.gov

We are happy that Glory finally found the home that she deserves. But unfortunately, her abuser is still roaming free. Share this story of Glory’s heartbreaking and intense abuse, and help bring her abuser to justice.

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Click the video below to see the details of Glory’s abuse and her recovery in her foster home!

WARNING: The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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