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His Owner Chained Him To A Lamppost And Took Off, He Kept Waiting With Sad Eyes

Recently, a photo of an abandoned Boxer named Max has caused an uproar on the internet, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Max was dumped after being tied to a lamppost. He looked quite forlorn and seemed to be staring at the street, waiting for his owner to come back.

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A man named Graham Dobson was on his way to work when he found Max. He fed the dog and lurked around waiting for the owner to show up. Eventually, he realized that Max was abandoned and on his own. He made calls to the dog warden to get help.


The 43-year-old Graham expressed his grief over how sad, scared and dejected Max was when he first found him. The poor pooch seemed to be waiting for his family to come get him, but deep down, the pooch seemed to have realized that he had been abandoned.

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As the photo of the chained dog started going viral, the owner eventually returned to the scene and explained that he couldn’t afford Max’s upkeep. The man officially signed the dog over to the warden and left.

Max has been a very sweet and well-behaved boy in his new shelter. But he still misses having a real family, and craves to belong somewhere. Currently, talks for his new home are underway with potential adopters. We hope that he is never neglected or mistreated again. Stay strong, Max!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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