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Dog Was Lost & Alone For 7 Months, But Dad’s Foresight Ended Up Saving The Day

Dora the German Shepherd was found wandering on the streets of McKinney, Texas, by the workers of Collin County Animals Services, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The dog seemed very shy and skittish as they brought her to the shelter. But a microchip scan revealed Dora’s painful ordeal for the past several months.

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As it turns out, Dora has a very loving family who had been looking for her for 7 months! Dora went missing when she jumped over her family’s fenced yard after being freaked out by the crippling firework sounds in her neighborhood. Her distraught family left no stone unturned to find Dora, but their efforts remained unsuccessful.


In this video, we see Dora’s dad anxiously waiting at the shelter to see his precious dog. The moment Dora steps out and sees her dad, she goes wild with joy! All her frightful memories from the last few months fade away as she hugs her dad with tearful eyes and rests her head on his lap.

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This heart-touching reunion video has left us with moist eyes. The shelter workers have emphasized that Dora was able to find her happy ending solely because her dad had the foresight to get her a microchip implant. They hope her story inspires other families to microchip their pets and keep them safe in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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