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Dog Was Starved To The Point Where He Could Barely Lift The Weight Of His Chain

Like most hunting dogs in Greece, Duke was kept “alive” for one single purpose – to be a companion during hunting season, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Duke would wait for the hunting season all year, as that was the only time he was allowed to run free. But when the season ended, he was back to his chained, neglected existence in his owner’s filthy backyard.

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When the owner grew old, 5-year-old Duke became a liability that needed to be “disposed off”. It’s common practice in Greece to starve, shoot, drown or hang unwanted hunting dogs to death. In Duke’s case, his owner began starving him and planned to toss him away in a nearby deserted river.


Duke’s angels walked in as the volunteers of Ilioupolis Animal Welfare Union, but the dog had become a sick bag of bones by then. After being without food and water for weeks, the emaciated 20-lb pooch could barely lift the weight of the chains that trapped him. To add to his woes, his entire body was infested with Dirofilaria parasites.

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The rescuers transported the depressed Duke to a hospital in Athens in a state of emergency. Thanks to the timely intervention, Duke pulled through! Over the next few months, Duke made a stunning transformation with the help of socialization exercises and nutritious meals!

Today, Duke is living an amazing life with his forever family in Denmark. He’s called Charlie now, and has 3 other rescue doggie siblings to keep him company. He loves his humans and especially adores their kids. As he runs around being a happy good boy, we can tell that the sadness from his abusive past has faded away forever!

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Source. ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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