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Pained Tiny Kitten Sat In Same Spot, Couldn’t See If Help Would Come Her Way

The tiniest kitten was found all by herself wandering the streets. She was crying out for help, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When a kind woman found her, her heart broke for the baby. The kitten was scared and desperate. Her one eye was so badly infected that she couldn’t see. The infection made her eye protrude causing intolerable pain. For such a small baby, that amount of discomfort was horrible.

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The woman brought her to a nearby veterinarian and begged for him to help. He agreed and said he would do all he could to save the kitten and her eye. The clinic operates mainly on donations and sadly doesn’t have everything at its disposal. But they did all they could for the little kitten. They made her a cone out of cardboard and gave her a good meal.


The infection was so bad that she needed IV antibiotics. With fluids and pain meds on board, the kitten began to perk up. She was starving and so grateful to have real food! She was likely surviving on garbage. The vet and his team watched the kitten closely every day hoping her eye would heal. Sadly, things took a turn for the worse.

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The medical team decided that the kitten’s health would improve faster, and more successfully if the infected eye was removed. They did not go into that decision lightly but her survival was most important. The surgery took place the next day and the little warrior kitten did amazing!

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The rescuer told her friends on Facebook about the kitten and someone stepped forward to offer a loving home. Her new mom didn’t mind that she only had one eye. She was “purrfect” just the way she is. The kitten is now grown up and living a wonderful life with her new family and kitty siblings (which you can see for yourself in the video below!)

We are so appreciative of the kitten’s rescue and the incredible medical team that saved her life. Pets with special needs deserve loving homes too. They are the hardest to place and the first to be euthanized at kill shelters. Please consider adopting a pet with special needs. All animals should live the best life possible!

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Sourec: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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