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Tumor Made Him Cry Pus & No One Would Touch Him Till God Sent Him His Way

Whether a dog is living on the streets or in a home, they rely on us for medical care, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They cannot care for themselves. Just the idea that a dog must suffer because they are neglected or they are homeless is heartbreaking.

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For this dog, that was finally rescued, a tumor had grown so large, it engulfed his entire face. This wasn’t about appearance. The tumor invaded important structures and he struggled to breathe. He also had no control over his mucous membranes and his eyes and nose were continuously leaking. Poor baby!

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By the grace of God, rescuers in the area heard about the sick dog and tracked him down. They heard he belonged to someone who couldn’t afford vet care. But now he was going to get treatment and his life would be spared! They named him Vittorino.

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Because of its location, the tumor could not be operated on. Radiation was his only hope. It took a while, and much diligence and care, but the treatments began to work.

The rescuers were amazed by the dog’s gratitude. For the first time, the sweet dog wagged his tail. Something so simple, yes. But these tail wags spoke volumes!

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The radiation treatments continued and it was like magic! Vittorino’s foster mom got pretty attached during his treatments, understandably.

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Now that he’s recovered, he’s right at home. We are so amazed by Vittorino’s transformation. Through love and faith, anything is possible! ALL animals deserve to live a happy, healthy life!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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