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Man Saves Decaying Dog In Desert – Year Later, Sees Her Again & Can’t Stop Crying

In January 2018, Matt Bentley was off-roading in the West Desert near the Salt Flats of Utah when he noticed something running down the trail, writes ilovemydogsomuch

At first, he couldn’t even tell what it was due to its rugged appearance. But as he got closer, he realized it was a dog. The dog was in such bad shape, malnourished, and had no hair.

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Bentley knew right then and there that there was no way he could leave her. He immediately brought her to Utah Adoption Animal Clinic where they got her the medical care she so desperately needed.


Despite everything this pup, now named Kelly, had gone through, she was still very friendly and affectionate toward people.

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Three months later, after receiving proper veterinary care and much-needed TLC, it was time for her to find a forever home. Not long after, Jamie Jacques and her family adopted Kelly.

Kelly settled into her new home rather quickly, and even has an older doggy brother named Rocky. The two of them get along great and are completely inseparable.

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Looking at Kelly now, you would never think she was that same hairless dog who was running in the desert.

Jamie and her family are forever grateful that Bentley saved her life by bringing her to safety and getting her the medical care she needed.

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More than a year after rescuing her, Bentley got to reunite with Kelly and was shocked to see how different she looked. With tears in his eyes, he expressed his amazement at her progress and how far she has come in the past year.

“The emotions are so raw knowing what he did for her,” Jamie said, choking back tears, “because we don’t know how it would’ve turned out otherwise.”

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“Knowing that she’s come full circle and she’s in the condition that she’s in now, it’s a fairytale ending to the story,” Bentley said.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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