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Kind Mama Dog Sees An Orphaned Panther Cub Crying, Welcomes Him Into Her Litter

Interspecies relationships exist in a variety of forms, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They can range from being hostile to symbiotic and even friendly. It is thought that domesticated animals have a better chance at bonding with other species than their wild counterparts.

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In this video, we see a Rhodesian Ridgeback mama dog caring for the many puppies in her litter. But then, the sanctuary workers bring in a motherless panther cub. They hope that he will find some love and care from the mama dog.


They were right! The mama dog instantly takes to the tiny cub. She licks him and lets him stay with the rest of her litter. It is interesting to see that the panther cub immediately cherishes his new mommy and siblings! He quickly jumps in to play with the puppies.

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As the puppies gather around their mama for food, the panther baby joins in too! He adorably holds on to his foster mom, with the hope that he will never be lonely and scared again. We think the puppies will have a very protective and loving big brother when they grow up!

Click the video below to watch the panther cub’s first meeting with the mama dog and her puppies!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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