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Horse-Drawn Carriage Collapses On Icy Road, Horse Forced To Continue Pulling

Images of horsedrawn carriages are a part of the New York City landscape, especially in Central Park, writes ilovemydogsomuch

People can pay a fee and partake in a horsedrawn carriage ride around the park. There have been many complaints, rumblings, and reports of mistreated horses in the city over the years, and the latest incident has animal lovers fuming.

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According to eyewitnesses on the scene, two passengers, including one small child, were being hauled around the park when a carriage horse collapsed on an ice-covered Central Park road. “The downed horse struggled on the icy ground and when finally brought to its feet, the driver of the carriage, industry spokesperson Christina Hansen, shockingly loaded the passengers back in her carriage and continued the ride,” according to NYClass.org.

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Sadly, no one performed a veterinary exam on the horse, it is not known if the animal was injured, and there was no rest period for the horse to recover. Voice For Us reports that Ms. Edita Birnkrant, NYCLASS Executive Director, responded to an email about the incident.

“Not only was this incredibly cruel and heartless to Billy the horse, but extremely dangerous for the child and family in the carriage and everyone on the road with Billy, who could have collapsed again at any time,” Ms. Birnkrant shared.

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After this incident went public, Billy the horse was removed from the streets for two days, had blood tests, and was allowed to pull carriages again two days later.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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