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Sad Street Dog About To Be Put Down For Aggressiveness, Now Wishes For A Miracle

Cerberus was found roaming in an open prison in Johannesburg, South Africa. His rescuers found him to be hopelessly aggressive, so they decided to put him to sleep. However, Samantha Browne, a woman called the “dog listener,” wanted a last chance with Cerberus, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The SPCA let Samantha have her shot at taming the dog. Samantha knew that Cerberus had only known a life of attack and survival, so she took her time to gain his trust. Cerberus viewed hands as “weapons,” so Samantha couldn’t touch him for weeks.

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Finally one day, Cerberus allowed his savior to pet him! It was a miracle as he bonded with his human emotionally with cuddles and wide smiles. From then on, there was no looking back for Cerberus.


When Samantha brought home a starving puppy, Cerberus went out of his way to care for the tiny baby. His hard times had turned him into an empathetic dog who wanted to look out for others!

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Samantha took Cerberus to SPCA to show them his unbelievable progress, and she eventually adopted him. This touching video has left us with moist eyes. It proves that with the right kind of love, no dog is too broken to be fixed. Thank you Samantha, for giving Cerberus a chance!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch

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