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Sad Shelter Dog Gets A Sweet Note In Package From Adoptive Mom

The day a dog finds its forever home is the best day of its life by far. And for a homeless dog, it can be even more special as it knows what it’s like to be truly neglected and without a roof over its head. When that day finally comes, there’s nothing like it, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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When a homeless dog named Dora was captured and taken to the city pound, Howl of a Dog stepped in and rescued her. Dora was sad and lonely and unsure of what was going on, but her luck was about to change when someone in the UK decided to adopt her!

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While waiting to make the 1500-mile long journey to her new home from Romania, Dora received an unexpected package at the rescue. It contained lots of treats, toys, and even a sweet note from her soon-to-be mom! It’s obvious Dora has found a very loving forever home, and her reaction here is nothing short of heartwarming.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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