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Cops Lose Hope While Looking For Sick Dumped Dog, Then See A Sad Face Peeping Out

Cops had been looking for an abandoned dog in a neighborhood, but even after scouring the area extensively, they weren’t able to locate her. After some exhausting hours, they suddenly spotted the dog peeping out of a shabby nook, looking scared and distressed, writes ilovedogsomuch

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The cops took her to the vet where they gave her a clean bill of health. But later, the dog mysteriously started swelling up all over, puzzling the vet and the cops.

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Emergency scans were run on the terrified dog. It was found that the dog had been pregnant all along, but started swelling up due to a miscarriage. The doctors were heartbroken at the plight of the suffering dog, and rushed her into emergency surgery.


The dog showed her true resilience and fighting spirit once she was out of surgery. She endured a lot of pain as she recovered. She conveyed her gratefulness by kissing the cops and the doctors for not giving up on her!

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The dog is currently learning basic commands under a dog trainer. She is a lively and loving fur-ball and her rescuers hope that she finds her forever home soon. We thank the cops and the dedicated vets who saved this sweet girl with their quick and thoughtful actions!

Click the video below to watch the heartwarming rescue story of this adorable dog!

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Source: ilovedogsomuch.tv

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