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Sadistic Person Hurls Friendly Dog Into A Lake & Hopes He Will Drown

Rebecca Costello Champ was enjoying a lovely day near Lake Houston with her husband. The couple lives just near the lake in a town called Humble, Texas. When Rebecca looked out at the water that day, she saw something that simply shocked her, writes ilovemydogsomuch

“Tons of birds they swarm over and then dogs apparently,” Rebecca Champ said.

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Rebecca called out to her husband to retrieve a pair of binoculars. On closer inspection, they realized a dog was struggling to stay afloat in Lake Houston. The couple hurried to their boat and got close enough to the dog to grab him.


“I got the life jacket around it which really kept it from scratching me and biting me. It just calmed every one of us down,” Quenton Champ reported.

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The poor dog was frightened, shivering, and would soon be at home with the Champ family. Rebecca decided to post photos of the pooch, whom they named Freddy, to Facebook. They hoped someone would see his incredible journey and want to adopt him.

A few days later, Freddy found a forever home with a man named John Hall. Hall believes someone purposely dumped poor Freddy into the lake and called the dog “a miracle.”

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He plans to take the pooch for a veterinary visit to make sure he is okay before starting their happy life together.

Thanks to the Champs for rescuing the dog and to John Hall for opening his heart and home to Freddy.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.com

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