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Rescuer Nearly Kills Tiny Kitten By Accidentally Using Tea Tree Oil

A kind woman tried to lend a helping hand to a tiny kitten in need, but instead, she nearly killed it. Thankfully, a rescuer with Hope For Paws arrived and got the kitten to safety, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

It started when the injured kitten was discovered with a severe leg injury around Los Angeles, California. A Good Samaritan took the kitten in and applied tea tree oil to its skin, not knowing that it can be deadly to dogs and cats.

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The kitten’s body was beginning to shut down, but Katie McKittrick arrived just in time to rescue it.

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They named the little kitten Tiger and found her a loving foster home to recover from her surgery in.

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Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel shared the rescue story on YouTube. They wrote in the description:

“Tiger almost lost her life because the Good Samaritan who tried to help her used tea tree oil which is toxic for dogs and cats. Luckily, Katie McKittrick responded to the call quickly, rushed Tiger to the amazing team at CARES, and the life-saving effort began!”

Watch the video below:

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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