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Nobody Wanted The ‘Saddest Dog In The World,’ Then This Family Stepped In

Dogs don’t need much to be happy. So imagine how depressed this dog must have been to end up getting the title of ‘The Saddest Dog in the World.’, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Lana, a 3-year-old Labrador, was rescued by Rescue Dogs Match in Toronto, Canada, when she was just a puppy. She was first adopted in 2015, but was soon returned back to the shelter.

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After a long and patient wait, she was adopted again in 2016, only to be returned again a few months later. Apparently, she wasn’t emotionally opening up and was low on confidence. She needed a family who had the patience to work with her.

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The shelter put up this photo of Lana looking depressed. The photo went viral and Lana was dubbed the saddest dog in the world.

With Lana’s story going viral, the shelter started receiving hundreds of calls every day from people who wanted to adopt her. They ended up receiving over 4,000 applications for her adoption.

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After a lot of work screening through the applicants, the shelter finally announced on Facebook that they had found the perfect home for her!

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We are so glad Lana finally found a forever home. Click the video below to watch her story.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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