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Happy Dog Becomes Sad And Confused After His Owner Drops Him Off At The Shelter

Simba the American Staffordshire Terrier seemed very much like a happy dog when his owner brought him to the East Valley Animal Shelter in California, writes ilovemydogsomuch

While his slightly bony constitution indicated that he had been neglected for some time, the 7-year-old dog only wanted to be hugged and petted by his human. Sadly, fate was just not on his side.

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Simba’s owner was forced to surrender the dog following his inability to look after him. The man explained that Simba belonged to his brother, who left the pooch under his care after finding work outside state. However, the man realized that caring for Simba while shuffling his fulltime work and school obligation was entirely impossible for him.


The shelter worker said that an unwilling Simba had tucked his tail and refused to leave his human, and eventually had to be pushed through the shelter’s front door. He was a mess when the reality of the shelter hit him. The poor thing was having a hard time coping with the shrill noises in the cold shelter.

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It’s really distressing to see the tragic plight of Simba, who is nothing but a loving and obedient good boy. We can’t bear to think that he is feeling unloved, lonely and hopeless at the shelter with no soul to comfort him. Let’s spread the word and help sweet Simba find the stable forever home that he deserves.

Click the video below to watch Simba’s heartbreaking reaction after being surrendered at the shelter.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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