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Woman Takes Emaciated Dog To Kill Shelter Stating She’s Too Busy To Feed Him

There is nothing more infuriating to pet lovers than learning about an animal abuser. We’ve said it before, but some people should not be allowed to have pets, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A woman in Florida decided to surrender her dog to a shelter in Sarasota, claiming it was a stray.

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Lt. Daniel Tutko of Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office told WFLA News, “I actually saw the dog that day when it came in and it was emaciated.”


The woman in question, Alexandria Drew, claimed the dog was a stray. Thankfully, officials discovered the truth thanks to the dog’s microchip proving Drew was the owner.

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She adopted the dog six months prior, and his name is Richter. At first, she said none of this was her fault but ultimately confessed.

Poor Richter was kept locked in a cage where Drew said she had no time to properly take care of him. She was arrested and charged with animal cruelty. Meantime, Richter was placed into quarantine at the Humane Society and recovering nicely.

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A news reporter talked to the woman by phone and she said, “I feel terrible. I was scared, so I lied. I’m taking responsibility, I don’t deny anything. I’m not a bad person. This makes me seems like a monster.”

If you have a dog that you cannot care for, please reach out to animal services for help. Thank goodness Richter will make a full recovery. The full story can be viewed below.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.com

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