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Owner Dumps Dog On Busy Road, Dog Chases Owner But Gets Hit By 2 Different Cars

Jack is one of the sweetest dogs one could find, yet his owner didn’t care for him at all, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The stone-hearted owner abandoned Jack in the middle of the road when he was too old and drove off. Poor Jack chased his owner’s car through the busy streets, but ended up getting hit by a car.

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As the car hit him, Jack went flying off to the other end of the road on impact. He lay paralyzed on the street, when another car came from a different direction and hit him again. Despite being hit back to back, Jack miraculously survived both the accidents. However, he suffered multiple fractures and internal injuries in the process.


A kind passerby rushed Jack to the hospital, but the dog just wouldn’t stop crying from the unbearable pain. Considering his advanced age and the state of his injuries, many people were in favor of putting him to sleep. But Jack showed a strong will to survive, and this made the vet to give him a chance to heal.

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After weeks of treatment, Jack did survive, but his physical state had only worsened. Jack’s back legs were crooked because of the fractures, he couldn’t walk for long and his pain never subsided. Over a period of 6 months, the vet performed 2 surgeries on him to correct his gait.

He looks gorgeous and can walk and run again. He has even found a family that will never abandon him. We can tell that Jack is living his life to the fullest now, and we are so happy for him!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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