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He Struggles With Every Breath After Man Dumped Him & His Siblings In Road

Staff at the Bainbridge Humane Society returned to work one morning to find a small crate filled with four severely neglected puppies, and three more pups roaming nearby, writes ilovemydogsomuch.

They immediately brought them inside and checked their security footage, which revealed that the night before, a four-door truck pulled into the parking lot and illegally dumped the box on the pavement.

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The sickest of the seven puppies, now named Jiminy Cricket, is fighting for his life. He is dehydrated, malnourished and barely able to breathe. He was transferred to Leon County Humane Society, since they have more resources to treat his critical condition.


When Bainbridge Humane Society employee Ashley White first saw Jiminy Cricket, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“I walked in and immediately thought this pup was dead and stood still and watched,” White wrote on Facebook. “I saw its little neglected and malnourished body finally move with breath as though it was the biggest labor to even do so. I’m sure it was a feat to even keep breathing.”

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Jiminy Cricket’s litter mates, who are doing better than he is, are still at Bainbridge, receiving the best care possible.

Unfortunately, the license plate of the truck is not visible, so White has posted the footage on Facebook in the hopes that someone may recognize the vehicle.

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If anyone has information, please report it to the shelter or animal control anonymously. To contact the shelter, call 229-246-0101. To contact animal control, call 229-515-0172.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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