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101-Year-Old Woman Adopts Shelter’s Oldest Cat To Heal Her Broken Heart

When a 101-year-old woman’s cat passed away, the pet’s elderly owner, Penny, was understandably devasted, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

Penny’s family did everything they could to help their matriarch cope with her loss, including presenting the grieving centenarian with a plush toy cat.

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But Penny wasn’t consoled by the stuffed animal, which didn’t purr like her beloved late pet. This led Penny’s family to contact the Humane Society of Catawba County (HSCC) in search of an elderly shelter cat to help heal Penny’s broken heart.


Meanwhile, a 19-year-old cat named Gus was being surrendered to the same North Carolina shelter as his owner’s work commitments changed.

“His owner was heartbroken,” the shelter’s executive director, Jane Bower, told Newsweek. We’re sure the aging cat was equally heartbroken to leave his family, especially at the ripe age of 19!

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“We took Gus in and proceeded to do a health check and found that for 19 years young, Gus was in exceptional health,” Bower told the news magazine. “Obviously we would take good care of Gus, but living in a shelter is not ideal, especially at his age.”

In a serendipitous twist, Penny’s family reached out Humane Society of Catawba County in search of an elderly cat right as Gus was seeking a new family.

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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