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Dog Becomes Foster Dad To The Little Ones Found Abandoned In A Box On The Road

A dog named Aragon was out on a walk one day when he came across a box on the side of the road. And inside sat some little babies who were left to fend for themselves, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

The dog had no idea when he stepped out of the house that day that he was about to become a foster dad, but he accepted that role without hesitation!

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How could someone leave these newborn kittens out there all alone? But this situation was the perfect example to show the true personalities of dogs and how kind their hearts and souls really are. They’re so loving and loyal, and it’s why they’re called Man’s Best Friend. But they make the best companions to other animals too!


Aragon was lucky enough to be rescued himself, so he took it upon himself to properly care for these kitties until they could all find forever homes. Amazing!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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