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Circus Elephant Held in Captivity For 53 Years Reunites With Her “Sisters”

Life in bondage is the worst kind of living, and for an elephant named Rhea this type of life was a fact for almost 53 years. She was cooped in a circus in India where she was significantly ignored and also malnourished.

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Two of her close friends, Mia and also Sita were saved back in November 2015, yet Rhea was left behind. The rescue employees at Wildlife S.O.S. struggled to locate a means to save her too, yet it had not been simple. Months gone by up until this company handled to arrange the appropriate authorization and paperwork to have Rhea freed. Lastly, in April 2016, this caring creature was about to rejoin with her 2 sis as well as the encounter was one to remember.

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When she was released, Rhea’s health and wellness condition was very poor. Her toenails were all split and also her legs were very inflamed. Right after the vet’s exam, pleasant Rhea was offered the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre, Mathura.


Mia as well as Sita excitedly waiting to welcome their life-long pal was genuinely heart-melting. They both approached Rhea and also embraced her with their trunks.

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Many individuals were interested to know exactly how Rhea would certainly adapt to her brand-new surrounding so the kind volunteers made certain to share a bunch of images of the elephants. These two besties sharing a container of fruit has to be among the cutest sights ever, do not you concur?

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Upon Rhea’s arrival at the refuge, the co-founder of the organization Wildlife S.O.S., Ms. Geeta Seshamani, eliminated the bells which were linked around the pet’s neck which act represented freedom as well as liberation.

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We are so happy these elephants reached spend the rest of their life where they belong; in the nature.

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