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Firefighters free young boy after he gets toilet seat stuck on his head

A team of firemens had an easy and also funny goal. A young boy had an event concerning his head and … a commode seat.
Two-year-old Flynn Edwards captured his head inside a plastic commode seat while his mother was taking a shower. Sarah Edwards, his mother, saw Flynn’s neck and also the toilet seat and also jumped out the shower. She called her mom who told her to call 911. She did and also the emergency solutions recommended her to speak to her neighborhood fire brigade. In short time a large team of firemans came to their home and Flynn was wearing his uncommon neckwear.

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“They were all in stitches when they saw Flynn, that at the time was rather happy playing with his trains whilst a commode seat was stuck on his head.
” They snapped the seat and also released him and also whatever was alright, we were all chuckling our heads off.”

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