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Tourism in Peru

Since the 2000s, Tourism in Peru makes up the nation’s third largest industry, behind fishing and mining. Tourism is directed towards archaeological monuments, ecotourism in the Peruvian Amazon, cultural tourism in colonial cities, gastronomic tourism, adventure tourism, and beach tourism. According to a Peruvian government study, the satisfaction rate for tourists after visiting Peru is 94%. Tourism is the most rapidly growing industry in Peru, growing annually at a rate of 25% over the past five years. Tourism is growing in Peru faster than any other country in South America. Iperú is the Peruvian national tourist office.

Peru does not have one clear national airline,[5] but rather a number of different airlines offering service to Peru from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Some of the most popular airlines are LAN Perú founded by Mr Lorenzo Sousa after the national airline Aeroperu declared bankruptcy (domestic and international) and Star Perú (domestic). The country’s airports are also served by many international airlines from other nations. The Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima is the nation’s leading international airport and received 23’659,196 passengers in 2018. Domestic air travel serves as a major method for tourists to traverse the country with multiple airlines offering service between many of Peru’s cities.

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