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Woman Is Surprised To Find A Random Cat In Her Daughter’s Bed

“I could tell right away they had a special connection.”, writes moneysavingbasics.

Lynn Farrell’s daughter has always been an animal lover, so when the family moved to a new house near a large cat colony, she was overjoyed.

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Farrell’s daughter will pet and feed any animal she comes across, but since the cats are feral, Farrell never worried one of them would willingly come inside the house.

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She was wrong.


One recent night, Farrell put her daughter to bed early, expecting the usual protests. But, instead, her daughter replied, “OK, Mom.”

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“When she agreed to go to bed so easily, I was immediately suspicious as any mom would be,” Farrell told The Dodo. “When I opened the door, they both popped their heads up, like, ‘Oh crap, we’ve been caught.’”

Farrell spotted a large orange cat snuggled up with her daughter under the covers. The little girl had snuck the cat inside while her mom was cooking dinner, and moved a litterbox from the bathroom into her closet, along with some food and water.

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And this wasn’t the first night they’d had a sleepover, either.

“I could tell right away they had a special connection,” Farrell said. “He chose well in his new human. So after a bath and a brush, they both went to sleep warm, happy and snuggled.”

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Farrell brought the cat, whom they named Pumpkin Jr., to the vet, where he was dewormed and treated for fleas. And after some asking around the neighborhood, they discovered that Pumpkin Jr. was an outdoor cat belonging to their neighbor across the street.

With permission from Pumpkin Jr.’s owners, the cat now visits his little girl every day, and their sleepovers have continued.

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“He is so sweet and constantly purring — I don’t think I’ve heard him stop,” Farrell said. “Her room is his domain, and [he’s] let our other three cats know that they dare not enter his human’s room.”

“I guess I have a fourth cat now,” she added.

Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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