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Stray Dog Who Kept Visiting Car Dealership Gets Adopted And Given A Job

A stray dog has been adopted by staff at a car dealership in Brazil, writes moneysavingbasics.

The lonely dog kept turning up to the Hyundai Prime branch in the South American country. He was looked after each time and was sent on his way, but he returned every other night and employees eventually fell in love with him.

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One night when it was particularly rainy, manager Emerson Mariano invited the pooch inside and let him have some food and water.

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From then, it was hard to keep him away from the car dealership.

After a bit of umming and ahhing, the decision was made to adopt the dog and name him Tucson Prime. Initially, they were just going to give him a roof over his head, but his ‘very caring and docile nature’ gave managers an idea.

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They put him to work at the dealership and he’s so far made a huge impact.

Tucson has slowly worked his way up to front of house as a ‘pawfessional consultant’ and is now responsible for meeting and greeting new customers.

Who wouldn’t want to pet this little guy when you’re shopping around for a new car?

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Emerson Mariano told media outlet Top Motors Brazil: “After all, the company has always been pet friendly, so now, we decided to embrace this idea in practice too, having our own pet precisely at a more complicated time like this with so many abandoned animals.”

He’s become such a vital member of the team that Hyundai want to feature him in a nationwide campaign.

Staff started an Instagram account for Tucson and he’s since gained more than 100,000 followers.

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In one of the posts, we’d like to believe the dog typed this adorable message to all his newfound fans from around the world.

“Today my day started early, but it was not in sales, I am trying to read and answer the thousands, I swear, miles of messages I received in the last few days,” the post said.

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“But where I came from, I didn’t have this technology. Me and my humans are still trying to find a way to deal with so much love and affection like that. If I didn’t open your message or answered, I wanted to apologise, but we are trying our best to open all messages to try to thank you all, I am very happy with all this!”

What a good doggo.

Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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