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Blind, Deaf Shelter Puppy And Her Guide Dog Brother Are Looking For A Home

Sibling relationships are wonderfully complicated. While your sibling can be a total annoyance at times, there is no one who will stand up for you and protect you quite like a brother or sister. And this kind of sibling love extends to animals as well, writes moneysavingbasics.

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Star and Denver are a pair of puppies who were born into a litter of 8. The puppies, alongside their mother, were abandoned in rural Louisiana. Fortunately, the little family was found and rescued, ending up at the Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho Santa Fe, California. It quickly was deduced that something was wrong with Star.

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While the rest of the young puppies were running around and playing in the animal center, Star hung back – exhibiting signs of having special needs. That is when employees quickly figured out that the 3-month-old terrier mix is deaf and almost blind.


However, the staff also noted that there was one of her siblings, Denver, who had appointed himself Star’s personal guide dog – helping his sister to navigate around her surroundings. The staff was blown away by this display.

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Dora Dahlke, manager of adoption services at Helen Woodward, stated in a press release, “It’s really extraordinary. We never stop learning from animals.”

Star and Denver are now inseparable. As the staff has noted that on the rare occasions that they are apart, Denver is always quick to run back to Star, reassuring her that he’s with her. Given their unique bond, the brother and sister duo were put up for adoption together.

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The family who adopts the pair will be training with an expert to better learn how to raise a special needs puppy. And naturally, Denver will not be far away from Star – supporting her in their new family home.

“These two really can teach us all a thing or two about sibling love and how much we can achieve with the love of a good friend,” said Dahlke.

For more information on adoption, visit animalcenter.org

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Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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