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Massive Swan Confronts Innocent Dog At The Park

One thing that we all learn early on in life is that some people are just plain bullies, writres moneysavingbasics.

They like to stand up to people, be assertive, and sometimes taunt or physically hurt others. And unsurprisingly, this notion happens in the animal kingdom too. Every animal has an instinct to protect their territory or their young. And, it’s all about self-preservation too. If you don’t stick up for yourself, who will?

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In the video below, you’ll see a rather strange encounter between a dog and a swan. Now before you hear the details, it’s important to note that this is no ordinary swan—the bird is almost the size of the dog’s owner!


It comes as no surprise that the dog wasn’t too keen to engage with the swan and luckily so because if it did, the swan might have attacked it in quite a severe manner. But, alas, the birdie had it out for the poor pup for absolutely no reason, and this is what went down.

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The dog’s owner was in a park in Strasbourg, France, resting on a bench with her canine.

All of a sudden, the massive swan makes its way over to the pair, with its wings spread out wide. It stands before the pup and gives one swift gesture towards it as if to say, “Hey, you wanna fight?” The dog managed to stay cool, calm, and collected throughout, which leads us to wonder what the heck did the swan have to be so angry about? But seriously.

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It’s not like the swan was hitting on the dog’s girlfriend or the dog said something offensive to the swan to that got him so bent out of shape. I think the swan just didn’t like the look of the dog. There is no other reason as to how this could have happened! So, not only do humans judge each other too quickly, it’s animals too.

We make quick assumptions based on not much data. Who knows, these two could have maybe been friends if the swan didn’t jump the gun so quickly!

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Either way, the video is quite extraordinary, as I am sure you don’t see something like this every day! Have a little peek at the video below, and let us know your thoughts in the comments. Then, if it has piqued your interest, don’t forget to like and share the clip with your favorite people.

Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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