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Stray dog hangs around car dealership, so they adopt him as their mascot

There are many stray dogs roaming around without homes, hoping to just find someone who will take care of them, writes moneysavingbasics.

But sometimes, these strays end up in just the right place with just the right people. Like one dog, who not only found a place to stay… he found a job!

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A street dog roamed the streets of Espírito Santo, Brazil, but he liked one spot in particular: a Hyundai car dealership.

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A street dog roamed the streets of Espírito Santo, Brazil, but he liked one spot in particular: a Hyundai car dealership.

He would hang out there so often that the employees soon became very familiar with him.

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Sensing the dog needed food and water—and not a new Hyundai Sonata—the employees soon let him inside, providing some love and care.

In May, the dealership adopted the dog, ensuring that he’d finally have a place to stay and people to take care of him. He got all the necessary vaccinations and medical treatments, according to Indian Express.

They named the dog “Tuscon Prime,” after a Hyundai model and the name of the dealership.

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He would hang out there so often that the employees soon became very familiar with him.

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Sensing the dog needed food and water—and not a new Hyundai Sonata—the employees soon let him inside, providing some love and care.

In May, the dealership adopted the dog, ensuring that he’d finally have a place to stay and people to take care of him. He got all the necessary vaccinations and medical treatments, according to Indian Express.

They named the dog “Tuscon Prime,” after a Hyundai model and the name of the dealership.

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Source: moneysavingbasics.com

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