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Smart Dog Buys Cookies at the Bar Everyday and Pays With a Leaf

Negro has to be one of the smartest dogs you’ve ever seen. If you ask why, the answer will definitely stun you, writes moneysavingbasics.

Not only he’s loved by everyone at the campus of Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare in Colombia where he resides, but he also makes sure all of the students there are safe and sound at all times.

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As a thank you for the care he provides them with, both the students and the staff there give him lots of love and a bunch of treats.
Being around humans for so long made Negro pick some tricks on how to get the things he likes.

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During break times, Negro would always carefully watch what the students do and how they get the things they want to eat. Along the way, he noticed that they get sweets in return for some ‘green papers’ they give to the seller. So, he came up with the idea of exchanging leaves for cookies.

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He grabbed a leaf and headed to the store. To his surprise, the person there took it and gave him a treat. Well, his intelligence had to be rewarded somehow.
“He would go to the store and watch the children give money and receive something in exchange,” teacher Angela Garcia Bernal told The Dodo. “Then one day, spontaneous, he appeared with a leaf in his mouth, wagging his tail and letting it be known that he wanted a cookie.”

He grabbed a leaf and headed to the store. To his surprise, the person there took it and gave him a treat. Well, his intelligence had to be rewarded somehow.
“He would go to the store and watch the children give money and receive something in exchange,” teacher Angela Garcia Bernal told The Dodo. “Then one day, spontaneous, he appeared with a leaf in his mouth, wagging his tail and letting it be known that he wanted a cookie.”

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Source: moneysavingbasics

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